Academia & Research
Compliance Initiatives
Setting the new Export Compliance Standards for
University, Academia and research centers
The EU has decided to start a Working Group, participated only by member state representatives, but it will be focused just on EU Dual-Use regulations and will aim at producing the guidelines for the ICP for Academia
EIFEC launched in 2019 a call for experts to be member of the Standards Working Group within the “Export Compliance Program for Academia”.
The aims were:
- support the institutional activity of the EU working group (Dual Use) and of other countries, if any;
- develop an extended common level playing field International Standard (also including guidelines, glossaries etc.), usable by all universities and research centers worldwide and allowing to manage all Export Control regimes (including but not limited to Dual Use, Sanctions, Military items etc.);
- certifiability of the new Export Compliance management system Standard(s) by external auditors.
The new Working Group has been formed and is partecipated by U.S, Japan, Russia universities in addition the EU EIFEC core academia members.
European Commission is working on drafting the new guidelines for University, Academia and Research Center.
EIFEC and its University network (including US univerities) are actively collaborating within the TEG-Research. Last meeting was held on 24/06/2020