Compliance Initiative

The China Case

The Five Year National Science and Technology and Innovation Plan, and the Made in China 2025 Plan, have been evaluated as concerted effort to leverage the full resources available to China in order to cultivate indigenous technological innovation.

China recognizes that military technology does not exist in a vacuum and that it is a part of an ecosystem that spans the public and private sector and has dependencies ranging from access to basic materials to massive quantities of data. In the digital age, virtually all technological breakthroughs are fundamentally dual- use.

The Chinese government has recently taken many steps to promote what they call “military-civil fusion” by creating opportunities for government and military researchers to partner with leading technology companies in the development of new products.
Both the Administration and Congress are working together to close statutory and regulatory loopholes that allow China and others to illicitly acquire technology and intellectual property to gain an unfair advantage as they implement their industrial policies.

China is perceived as the main new challenge/ threat due to the world dominance seeking attitude.

We will boost all initiatives to promote the culture of Export Compliance as essential to do business “playing by the rules” to improve international relationships and security.


For more information


This is the EIFEC Global site.

We are the Export Compliance international standard-setting body and has the multidisciplinary knowledge and competence that allows to define and develop, by innovation, Standards, guidelines and certification mechanisms for emergency situations or critical areas of any nature.

The main areas covered are the threat of nuclear, biological and chemical armaments proliferation, sanctions, AML, Health Emergency Risk in epidemic context.
